What’s up, smash boom besties?! We’re back with a brand new season on February 6th!

Get ready for fierce and fascinating debates like Hamsters vs. Goldfish, Forts vs. Puzzles, Ketchup vs. Ranch and Gandalf vs. Snape.

Who will win? Listen to Smash Boom Best on February 6, wherever you get your podcasts!

Audio Transcript

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INTERVIEWER: Hey, Smash Boom Besties. I'm excited to tell you we're coming back with a brand new season on February 6. Get ready for fierce and fascinating debates like hamsters versus goldfish, forts versus puzzles, ketchup versus ranch, and [GASPS] Gandalf versus Snape. Here's a sneak peak from our first episode, "Viola Versus Keyboard." Ha, ha, hoo, ha! Sneak attack. Sam, you are up first this time, so please make your instrument sound like it's laughing.


All right, [? Katie, ?] same challenge.


Mmm! Yeah! [LAUGHS] Crying.


A robot.


SAM: I would just like to point out that Katie's instrument is a robot.


SAM: And so I don't know about the fairness of that last one. I feel like mine should get to sound like a viola if she's going to get to sound like a robot.

INTERVIEWER: Who will win? Listen to Smash Boom Best on February 6 wherever you get your podcasts. See you then!


Transcription services provided by 3Play Media.